The Hope of Christmas
A lot of the characters we read about in the scripture’s Christmas stories had little reason to be hopeful. Whether it was Mary and Joseph, apparently expecting a child before they were married; the shepherds who were some of the lowest of the social strata of the day; or even the Wise Men or Magi who kept failing to find the promised Messiah. They, like us, had plenty of reasons for hopelessness but they, also like us, can take hope in the promised Messiah of the Old Testament and those prophesies’ fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ.
This performance also has the possibility of including one of your actresses in the role of Mary.
Even when our world seems hopeless…there is hope that is promised in scripture. Jesus’ birth did not just free the Israelites but his birth, life and death provides hope to all mankind.
–from “The Hope of Christmas”
Approximately 25 minutes.
Needs for this performance:
Sound: One lavalier or head-worn wireless microphone if needed for space.
The PowerPoint I use also has sound tracks that play from the computer, if possible. These can also be done from a phone/tablet if needed by your setup
Lighting: General stage lighting in the center of the stage.
Computer: There is a PowerPoint Presentation which occurs during the performance and I will need a brief orientation time with your operator to communicate when those changes occur.
Begins and ends on stage.