The Living Lord’s Supper
Prior to having the Last Supper with His disciples, Jesus washed their feet. What was going through his mind as he came to each disciple? We see very little dialogue between him and his disciples during this very private moment.
Perhaps he was thinking through how he found each of them. His first encounter. A particular time, while they were traveling with him, when they really “got it.” So many things to consider.
Jude asked how anyone could be saved. I told him that only God could save people…with man it is impossible.
“The Living Lord’s Supper”
This presentation, which ideally would be included with a communion service, shows Jesus as he considers all of the things that each disciple brought to his ministry. It includes Jesus distributing the elements to the congregation and taking them through the communion service.
Needs for this performance:
Sound: A lavalier or head-worn wireless microphone.
Lighting: General lighting for both the stage and audience space.
Stage and furniture: A small table with the communion elements.
As there is video involved, I would need a short meeting with the computer/powerpoint operator to walk them through the changes needed throughout the drama.
Entry and exit is through the aisle.