Author: akirdesi

  • Have you ever lost anything?

    What a question! Of course, you’ve lost something. Everybody’s lost something sometime. Right? But really think about it…have you ever lost anything that was heartbreaking to lose? For most people, it would have to be “anybody” rather than “anything” to move into that realm. Sure, we’ve all lost trivial things before…a toy car, your shoes,…

  • Dramatizing Your Story

    Most of the dramas I write are written as one-man shows or monologues.  Some of these have an on-stage focus as if the character is speaking to one or more other characters on stage.  Other times, the text is delivered directly to the audience.  Still other times, the character is talking to himself.  Several of…

  • How’d I get Started?

    A few weeks ago, I posted a plea for questions (here). I haven’t received any yet but I thought I start by tackling one that I included as an example. How did I get started in theatre? One of the earliest pictures of me in a costume is from 2nd grade. For those of you…

  • I want you!

    I want to add posts here more frequently; and 2) answer questions you may have.

  • A New Beginning

    When my wife, Kristy, tells the story about how we started dating, she will typically start off with the story of the weekend before our first date. She had been engaged before we met and had been on a couple blind dates since her engagement was broken off. Her mom had come down for the…

  • Performance or Worship

    I recently found an article entitled “Is Performance a Dirty Word?” (Originally posted here). It deals with the ever-present comment, especially about church worship teams but also applied to just about any type of performance art used in the course of a service, “This is not a performance, it’s worship.” As a practitioner of performing…

  • The End of Two Chapters

    Over the last weekend, I finished up a rehearsal/performance process for West Side Story with the Next Generation Theatre Company in St. Louis. I played the part of Officer Krupke and also designed the sound (which my wife ran for the performances). It was the first production since college that I’ve acted in that I…

  • My Latest Adventures

    Tomorrow (January 27), I will go audition for my first professional production.  I’ll be auditioning for the St. Louis Muny’s summer season–specifically The Wizard of Oz and The Music Man (as those are the shows that my summer schedule will allow).  Not only is it my first professional audition, it is only my second audition (as an actor)…

  • Sacrifice vs Obedience

    God’s Word is filled with God telling people to make some extraordinary sacrifices. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his only promised son. Does God make this request of us? While it is certainly possible for God to ask someone to sacrifice a family member, I don’t think that it is his will for the majority…

  • Lead a life worthy of your calling

    Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.–Ephesians 4:1 (NLT) You have been called….for right now.  A good number of people think that callings are far off things.  Or maybe you think callings are only for people going…