I want you!

I’m embarking on a new goal. I want to 1) add posts here more frequently; and 2) answer questions you may have.

Now, this site is devoted to a few things…drama (meaning live theatre), ministry, live sound and other technology. So, please try to limit the questions to the topics appearing elsewhere on the site. I can also answer questions about me.

So, what’s it gonna be? Always wondered about how we accomplish a certain bit of “magic” in live theatre? Have questions about technical theatre–lights, sound, makeup, set design/build (sorry, costumes are not my forte)? Have questions about something pertaining to acting–memorizing lines, getting into character, blocking a monologue, directing a scene, stage combat? Wanna know how to start writing your own scripts? Do you just want to know more about my story–how I got started in drama?

It’s up to you. I want to answer your questions! But I have to know what they are. Comment below (click the name of the entry above to get to the individual post page to add comments) with your question and I’ll do my best to answer them over the coming weeks.

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